Physical Healing

Unlocking the Power of Reiki for Physical Healing: A Path to Wellness

By Dennis Bluthardt at Namaste Studios

Reiki is nothing new; it’s an ancient Japanese practice. But it is beginning to permeate the wellness zeitgeist because it offers an entirely holistic approach to health. The practice stems from the idea that a universal life force energy runs through every living being. Reiki practitioners channel this force to initiate healing and rebalancing because who wouldn’t want to be a little more Zen?

It is also relevant to mention that it bypasses the health-draining pharmaceuticals that many people have no choice but to rely on. Anything that helps people avoid these (even if only in part) must be recognized as a great thing.

In this post, you’ll learn the basics of Reiki, its principles, the kind of techniques used, where it fits into the wellness industry, who started the lifestyle, and Reiki and Health.

Reiki is popularly selected by the health-conscious because it is non-invasive. Most importantly, this practice reopens a discourse with parts of your body and metaphysical that stress and disease have slowly been breaking apart. This allows you to regain control of your health and stress levels. This is the initial reason many people become drawn to energy healing.

Physical healing:

Many also turn to this treatment for the physical aspects! You can help with vertigo, balance high blood pressure, lower your blood sugar, clear migraines, stimulate healthy digestion, and so much more, all without the need to initiate the fight-or-flight response. Such an utterly holistic technique is just another example of the future that the health industry is beginning to move towards.


Finally, stress is the epidemic that this generation is trying to battle (partly) through practices such as Reiki. In frequency (having yourself attuned even to L1), there is something profoundly de-stressing about understanding yourself, helping yourself, and the ability to begin using healing on the people you love the most.

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Understanding Reiki

A form of energy healing that first came about in Japan in the early 20th century by Mikao Usui, Reiki comes from the Japanese word “rei,” meaning universal, and the word “ki,” which means life energy. It operates on the system of belief that there’s universal life energy, which we’ll call ULE for short, that is in and around all things that are alive. If the life energy is low in one’s body or there are restrictions in its flow, then, often, disruption will appear in the form of emotional or physical issues. The practitioner of Reiki then steps in to help guide life energy into the receiver, as well as pull out the unnecessary gunk that’s been causing disruptions.

Everything is composed of energy, and that includes our bodies. In addition, it consists of all of our thoughts and our emotions. That’s why Reiki and other forms of energy healing, like Quantum Healing and Emotion Code as an Emotional Healer, can be so transformational. When a practitioner goes to work on a body, they will lightly place their hands on the body (the person is fully clothed), and the laying on of hands helps the life energy, the vitalizing and intelligent force of the universe, to be received by the person. While the person is receiving it, it unclogs mental blocks in the person. This releases into pure thought instead of blocked thought, which comes to the surface of one’s behavior. Those who practice it say it is incredibly relaxing and works to reduce the thoughts that hold them back.

The core principles that the practice of Reiki enforces are the importance of intention, compassion, mindfulness, and the power that a positive mindset has in one’s life. Overall, if the general person could understand that each of us has more power throughout our lives than we do, then we could change so many things in our bodies just by the power of thought alone!

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The Benefits of Reiki for Physical Healing

Reiki is, at its most basic, a way of transmitting healing energy through a practitioner’s hands and to someone in need. The body is then able to take that energy and relax deeply. This relaxation is key because when we are in deep relaxation, we can lower the stress hormone cortisol, bring our bodies out of fight or flight mode (the body’s sympathetic response), and activate our parasympathetic nervous system. Think of it as having a good meal and massage; you go to a quiet, happy place free of fear, anger, and stress. Doing so allows our bodies to shift from dealing with day-to-day issues to more long-term healing, which takes a lot of energy!

From a pain perspective, the number of case studies and stories of people experiencing pain relief from Reiki is growing. Case in point: some people with chronic migraines, one of which also had psoriatic arthritis; I know; I am one of those people! Others I have worked on who are in going through (through) horrendous (horrendous) pain (pain) as part of their cancer journey and in recovery have also had less pain and anxiety after I’ve worked with them. Other areas you may have read that talk about pain and Reiki have to downright women’s health and menstrual cramps!

Thirdly, Reiki is compatible with other helpful energy therapies, such as acupuncture, aroma freedom, and Beyond Quantum Healing sessions.

A person's hands touching a person's hands

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How Reiki Sessions Work

A standard Reiki session begins with a person lying comfortably on a massage table. This individual is fully clothed and situated in a serene, relaxing environment. The standard procedure usually entails the following: The practitioner is much like an energy healing ‘facilitator.’ They typically create a nice, calming space with soft music or piped-in essential oils. The practitioner receives the universal life force energy (chi) from the client through the practitioner’s hands. The path of least resistance is where energy travels, which can be coaxed into alignment by positioning the hands correctly for the energy to flow.  The hands can help energy flow better by putting them in the correct position.

Classically, the practitioner leaves different hand positions (lightly places) their hands on your body. They intend that the energy is supposed to correspond to and be directed to the seven ‘major’ chakras. That is part of what I will call ‘straight’ Reiki. This ‘energetic contact and coordinates’ system uses the energy to run through your energy centers. There are other things, such as scanning your body and using distant Reiki as part of their technique. Distant Reiki uses chi to channel energy to someone, not in your room. Things like that are standard, classical energy healing techniques if you look at what works or doesn’t work.

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Integrating Reiki into Your Wellness Routine

When choosing someone to collaborate with, there are several vital elements to check for:

Credentials: Whether it’s Reiki, acupuncture, or even astrology, there are recognized organizations from which a practitioner can receive certifications.

Verify their credentials to guarantee that there is no bad behavior at play.

Experience: Practitioners gain more knowledge of their field the more hands-on experiences they have.

Secure the services of a person steeped in the expertise of long years so that you might be more eloquently directed through the many turns of your healing journey.

I recommend learning how to perform Reiki on your own. All it takes is finding a quiet area of the house in which you can relax. After that, put your hands on the areas of your body that require healing and concentrate on your breath. Visualize healing energy radiating from your hands into the rest of your body. This practice takes a maximum of 6 minutes and can fit easily into your day. You may even do the practice while writing in your journal.

By learning about the benefits of Reiki and incorporating it into your wellness routine, you will become knowledgeable about the practice, potentially even seeing results that pique your interest.

Reiki is an energy therapy developed in Japan with many uses and effects. It is a physical healing method to reduce and eliminate stress and wellness and achieve overall wellness. The idea is to channel “universal life energy” to promote relaxation and create balance (homeostasis) within the body. People often report feeling less pain, sleeping better, and generally feeling better overall. It is “gentle” and shouldn’t interfere with most traditional (conventional) medical treatments.

One of the best applications of Reiki may be for relieving stress. Stress can be associated with most if not all, kinds of “disease” within the body. It’s tough being a human; life can be challenging, and sometimes, finding a quiet place can seem out of reach. A “Reiki share” or meeting with a Reiki practitioner could be just the thing to help manage day-to-day life or facilitate healing on a deeper level.

Look into it; you may be pleasantly surprised and enjoy the experience.

To learn more, visit Reiki at Namaste Studios to book a Reiki session. Additionally, you can find more of our Reiki Blogs here.

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