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Peter Hodes

[email protected]



Since childhood, Peter has always been interested in martial arts and Asian culture. After graduating from the University School of Nashville in 1985, Peter attended the University of Florida, receiving an Asian Studies degree with high honors and studying abroad in Japan. Peter began practicing Tai Chi Chuan in 1990 on a beach in Thailand. Starting with a two-day workshop, he stayed for three additional weeks, training daily and learning the traditional Yang-Style Tai Chi of Professor Cheng Man-Ching. Today, Peter has been practicing Tai Chi continuously for 32 years.


After attending graduate school for an MBA and a Master of International Management (MIM), Peter was the founder and CEO of a software company in the emergency management sector. For 20 years, he was constantly in front of large groups of people, training, educating, presenting, and public speaking across the country. During this period, Tai Chi was always important, and many teachers were found, workshops attended, and hours practiced.


In 2017, Peter sold his company and, on a whim, began teaching Tai Chi classes in Nashville. The classes were an unexpected success and have continued to grow and expand since then. Since the beginning of this school, over 1000 people have come to class and been introduced to this ancient and powerful art. Classes are held daily around Nashville, Tennessee, and online, with live Zoom classes and a complete video-on-demand instruction system. Peter focuses his teaching on safety, senior fall prevention, balance training, and stress reduction. 

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