Jikiden Reiki
Everything You Need to Know About Jikiden Reiki: The Authentic Japanese Reiki Healing Method
By Dennis Bluthardt, Namaste Studios
Reiki originated in Japan as a natural, vibrational, spiritual healing practice. This safe and gentle touch or near-to-touch treatment helps the energies in the body come into balance, creating emotional and physical well-being. When we are in balance, we can heal. While Reiki will not cure, many use it to help deal with suffering.
Jikiden, meanwhile, is a branch of Reiki. As with many other spiritual practices, Reiki has taken on many forms. In the Jikiden Reiki class, practitioners are taught the history of Reiki’s development, from its founder, Dr. Usui, to how the practice came to be known as a Jikiden branch. The Jikiden branch adheres very closely to traditional Japanese practices, and practitioners are taught hand positioning, mantras, and more conventional methods. This lecture series will be invaluable if you want to practice Reiki on yourself or others.
What is Jikiden Reiki?
Jikiden Reiki, a form of traditional Reiki closely guarded by those who practice it, strongly emphasizes Mikao Usui’s original teachings and practices. ‘Jikiden means ‘direct teaching,’ which implies that the practitioners of this Reiki have a strong sense of Reiki’s true essence, tradition, and culture. This unique emphasis on the founder’s teachings sets Jikiden Reiki apart from many other forms of Reiki.
Traditional forms of Reiki, such as Jikiden Reiki and, yes, Usui Reiki, are not the same as other forms and styles of Reiki as they all are very different in their approach to healing and energy work. Practitioners of both Jikiden Reiki and Usui Reiki learn the practice’s techniques and symbols, while Jikiden students also learn the specific methods used and taught by Dr. Usui. This requires mastery, knowledge, and skill of the energy dynamics involved in healing. Students of these practices require lots and lots of practice.
The traditional practice of Reiki therapy is essential. Yes, the practice does make money for the practitioners and the therapy culture (and, yes, many will tell you negative comments because it’s human nature for others to get caught up in the variations of Reiki that make money). Preserving the traditional culture, which is used in all aspects of history, provides an unaltered, direct link to the creator of the practice. This requires a philosophical experience that embodies the traditional journalist’s practice customs, as it does provide the essence of the founder himself.
The History of Jikiden Reiki
Mikao Usui created Reiki, a type of energy healing in Japan. This healing modality’s roots can be traced back to the spiritual mountain of Mount Kurama, where Usui is said to have received the skill to run healing energy to others. This historical significance and its traditional roots in Japan create a deep connection to a rich and enduring tradition.
One of the prominent leading ladies of Jikiden Reiki is Chiyoko Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi learned from Usui himself and dedicated her life to ensuring the teachings of Jikiden Reiki would stay true to their roots. Yamaguchi taught straightforwardly, solidifying the foundation of Usui’s teaching. She taught this way to ensure that the “meat” of Usui’s teaching remained true.
You will find that traditional, otherwise known as Jikiden Reiki, will use conventional approaches to Reiki, such as the traditional hand positions or symbols, to ensure these stay true to the conventional Japanese teaching. This traditional Japanese teaching is a fantastic way of saying that the practitioner can understand Usui’s original messages and that the student can approach his teachings in the style he prefers with his students. The student will then learn the vigorous history of Usui so the student can be aware of why teaching the traditional way is the best way. Why? Our ideology is this: if the student can understand the symbolism this way, the student will understand what Reiki truly is.
Principles of Jikiden Reiki
As a form of holistic energy healing, Reiki is centered on the idea that the world is filled with a “universal life energy” and that humans can channel this energy and use it for healing.
The goal of this type of healing is not purely physical but instead aims to create a balance that will heal (or help to heal) the physical, emotional, and spiritual problems that a person is dealing with.
At the core of this healing system are the Five Reiki Principles, which are ethical and philosophical guidelines instructing the average Reiki practitioner on the best life to help them create an environment conducive to healing.
These principles should, theoretically, be followed as literally as possible – but even remembering just part of each principle and doing your best to apply it to your life will create a sense of peace and uplifted spirit that will help you channel spiritual energy and, as a result, create a better environment for a person in need of healing.
For Reiki practitioners, guidelines exist not just to create an atmosphere that encourages healing. They’re also common sense (and very mild) reminders of the innate power that every living thing can tap into.
Jikiden Reiki Techniques
Jikiden Reiki is a very traditional form of Reiki that directly connects to the original teachings of Reiki’s founder, Mikao Usui. There are two points that I want to discuss in this context:
The use of Reiki symbols in Jikiden Reiki. Of course, we see it similarly to other more traditional Japanese forms of this method: The symbols aren’t used as symbols; they are different techniques that one is taught to amplify the power in certain circumstances.
Jikiden Reiki uses fewer symbols than Mikao Usui is thought to have taught, focusing only on a reduced set of those that seem to have been most important to him.
The importance of the healer’s mindset in Jikiden Reiki. The therapist must focus on an approach that fosters mindfulness as an essential attitude, ideally along with common phrases of who we think and what we believe.
Becoming a Jikiden Reiki Practitioner
Getting Jikiden Reiki training involves a series of typical steps:
Learn about Jikiden Reiki (you’re doing that now by reading this!).
Google “Jikiden Reiki teachers near me” and see who comes up.
Sign up for a class!
The rigid “outline” above outlines the training logistics, but let’s look at what you can learn.
During training, future practitioners meet with a qualified teacher. Together, they examine Reiki from various angles. These discussions often touch on the ethical considerations practitioners should contemplate.
The class allows those who study the subject to get hands-on with healing techniques like Byosen (an intuitive method for finding places on the body that require healing). The class often has a formal, ceremonial aspect but does not follow the traditional tripartite “learn, watch, do” instructional format.
You get to study! If you are in school, this will feel like familiar territory. If you are not, you just found another class – welcome back!
Getting a good teacher is a must. A qualified teacher should lead discussions in class and be able to provide many examples of real-life case studies where they have practiced. Their passion should be visible in their commitment to incorporating the practice into their lives.
Benefits of Jikiden Reiki Healing
Jikiden Reiki is a traditional, pure Japanese Reiki lineage brought directly from Japan. It is a beautiful, non-invasive healing art that balances all parts of you. Physically, it helps to decrease pain, increase vitality, and give you a sense of well-being. Emotionally (and who doesn’t need this?), it alleviates stress and brings you to the emotionally calm and clear state of tranquility and balance we all aim for. It encourages personal growth and self-awareness to deepen the spiritual part of our being to connect with the world.
There is impressive anecdotal evidence written by clients who have been relieved of the pain that they had had for years, people who have become pain-free, people who have slept for the first time in years, and others who have found their joy again. Others have become unstuck emotionally and have carried on in new directions in their lives, strengthened by the resilience that can build up by having several Jikiden Reiki sessions.
Jikiden Reiki is used extensively on its own. It expands allopathic treatments to bring an extra dimension to other natural modalities such as acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathy, naturopathy, massage therapy, physiotherapy, and even psychotherapy. Adding Jikiden Reiki completes the overall effectiveness of other modalities by attaching the emotional component (that our bodies have usually connected with the pain or illness) to the other modality’s treatment. The client receives the physical benefit of the sessions and the emotional relief.
Common Misconceptions About Jikiden Reiki
Like Reiki, Jikiden Reiki is misunderstood. It could be the translation from Japanese. Maybe it’s just difficult for the Western world to grasp the concept. Most of you see this image of these mystical individuals who “do” something to heal others.
Simply put, Jikiden Reiki and Reiki are both alternative therapies. A qualified practitioner supports you in a relaxed state. While in this calm state, many begin to see the images, feelings, and emotions captured in their minds that they choose to face. For those who are ready, you will start to experience emotional balance. The practitioner’s role is only a facilitator. We do nothing. The client is the one in the driver’s seat. Only they can heal what is within.
Consent: Reiki practitioners should have the other person’s permission, like almost any practice. Does respecting another person’s decision have to be stated? Do not touch another person sexually or inappropriately. Why? All Jikiden Reiki practitioners are solely remembered by how we act, serve others, and help direct instruction. One negative can outweigh a hundred positives.
The article examined Jikiden Reiki, a form of Japanese energy healing that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual health. It reviewed its history, techniques, and benefits from a personal, public, and global perspective.
If you have any sickness, disease, or self-improvement agenda, the practice will help you reduce stress and manage and master your pain and health. You will learn how to heal from a traditional versus a modern approach. If you want to get into the holistic health and wellness field, the practice provides the career you seek.
Contact a Jikiden Reiki institution or school nearest you to experience the benefits of this beautiful and elaborate art form firsthand. If you want to become a practitioner, you will receive a liberal education in applying therapeutic, traditional Japanese mind, and bodywork.
This fascinating, whole, and general prophylaxis has two courses of study: Okuden (student and associate degree) and Shoden (bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral (medical) degree). If Okuden is your study goal, the curriculum will take one year. If providing products and services to the industry is more in your wheelhouse, you will opt to connect for potential partnerships or wholesale opportunities.
To learn more, visit Reiki at Namaste Studios to book a Reiki session. Additionally, you can find more of our Reiki Blogs here.
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