Distance Reiki

Unlocking the Power of Distance Reiki: Techniques for Effective Remote Energy Healing

By Dennis Bluthardt at Namaste Studios

Who says Reiki must be practiced in person? A newer idea within the overarching energy work field that many practitioners are becoming acquainted with (me included!) is distance Reiki. This means that instead of coming into a physical location to receive your healing, it’s sent to you.

A person sitting on a beach with a golden ring and a sunset

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Because energy is nonlocal, this means that energy can be “sent” (entered at one point in consciousness) from one individual or locale if you happen to be working with the vibrational frequency of a yage-induced hyper-spiritual-tree-healing metaphorical realm to another.

Here are a few different techniques for performing distance Reiki:

  • Visual technique: Ask your significant other, partner, or friend to be your “visual model” for this technique. Have them sit across from you, being the vessel for whom the Reiki recipient will be. You will sit across from them, practicing on them to develop a sense of “where the pain or injury may be” on the client’s body. Have them close and mirror your actions as needed.
  • The doll method refers to the mannequin or symbol of a person a Reiki practitioner may use to send healing. You can use a stuffed doll, animal, or even a stuffed pillow instead of a person and send healing that way.
  • Photo method: You can use a picture to send Reiki healing to someone through it.
  • Alphabet method: Some Reiki practitioners use writing to heal, using an encased letter (I, O, W, K, N, Z, W). Cool, huh?
  • The surrogate method: The surrogate acts as a “stand-in” for the Reiki recipient. This is ideal if you’re trying to send them many holistic modalities or healing techniques at once, practicing different techniques on different areas of the body simultaneously without difficulty.
  • A Temple of Holi Particles and the healing temple method: There is a swaying variety of different matrices, space-and-time locations, and “energy healing temples” that a Reiki practitioner can send healing from or ascend the healing of, moving into different “higher dimensions” of their temple, which is located in their own body, among other places… as needed.
  • The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen method (Reiki distance symbol): This sacred Reiki symbol often allows practitioners to “send Reiki into the future, into the past, or into the present moment (as there is no time).”
  • The Reiki stream, waterfall, and distance lay method: As above, so below. That doesn’t mean you can’t put Reiki into that phrase!
  • Reiki Star method: You may have heard of Reiki healing stars before.
  • Chanting or singing: A pinpoint, energy-focusing ritual that “reels in” and “sends any intriguing or important cosmic information,” a practitioner chants to speed up the healing process.
  • Drumming: Perhaps the fastest way to reach a state that helps facilitate a suitable environment for the successful sending of chi, drumming is as simple and effective as can be.

Distance Reiki is mainly employed through various techniques or tactics because it works best for the client. If you perform well for your customers, there should be no need to upscale or relocate. The healing is sent from practitioner A (in China) to recipient B (in Dallas, TX). This is all thanks to the power of the internet and the accessibility of global trade and human interaction.

Make every session matter.

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Understanding Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki is long-distance energy healing. Your Reiki practitioner sends you healing energy wherever you are. She is conducting a standard Reiki session, helping the body transfer life force energy, helping the body rest and relax for the first half of the session, in most cases. At the same time, you let go of any stress and possibly more healing thereafter in the event of the release of a blockage, for example. Yet, she is not in the same room as the recipient.

Three: A practitioner must successfully set their intentions before their sessions. This means that #3 comprises:

  • Practitioners’ initiations or abilities to visualize “being” with recipients
  • Practitioners’ abilities to use their hands for scanning recipients’ auras and bodies, for chakra work, if performed, for sending symbols and the correct intentions forward—which are Reiki symbols and all the other symbols used, in the order that they are received
  • The rest of the above intentions, relating to the balancing of energy
  • The rest of the phone call process, including follow-up calls
  • Physical, mental, and emotional states, specifically, practitioners’ released states corresponding to prior phone calls
  • Loss of “human” energy, specifically during the middle of the session.

Preparing for a Distance Reiki Session

Creating a calming environment for you and for whomever you’re practicing with is essential for something like Reiki. Soft lighting, soothing colors, some lovely plants (if you’re not like me and can keep them alive), or crystals provide a lot. You want the room set up in a way that will instantly relax. In areas like this, it helps people to feel much more secure and willing to sit down and receive energy. Let’s throw on some relaxing music in the background. Most people enjoy listening to a babbling brook while getting a massage, but listening to my favorite metal band, GWAR, would not be the best.

Doing whatever you do for grounding before practicing is essential. Anytime I am going to begin practicing Reiki, I start with some deep belly breathing. I may visualize or do some quick light stretches. Doing a technique like this before practicing helps with personal energy management (a very popular phrase in the holistic community right now) and keeping the energy pathway inside the body, where Reiki flows, very open. Anytime I practice on someone else, I need excellent personal awareness as a practitioner. Doing any grounding techniques can help remedy this, but the first way I will describe it is to start nice and level. You can think about it as being on a flat road. When you start driving, the road isn’t very bumpy or shaky, so when you first start doing this, you shouldn’t have anything wrong with you either.

This last bit is the most critical aspect of learning to send Reiki energy remotely. You need to have some good nurturing skills, which most people interested in Reiki already have. Have a good emotional base before practicing. If you are upset, use a grounding technique to level yourself beforehand. The better the emotional state you are in, the more the other person is going to benefit. That is essential here. Being in the most compassionate mindset, you can help with both methods for how Reiki can be done remotely, but for the last method, it will seem much better during and afterward.

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Techniques for Performing Distance Reiki

Visualization is a handy tool in distance healing. Just as with hands-on Reiki, visualizing the energy in specific ways increases effectiveness. The more we engage our logical minds during sessions, the better we can release our hold on reality and go with the energy flow. Much like we use symbols during our meditations to help us focus, we can also use symbols during distance healing to facilitate energy healing. Every healer has their methodology for “setting up” a distance Reiki session. This is where the true art of the practice comes out: Do what feels right for you! Scheduling is crucial for distance Reiki. Connecting between healer and recipient is almost as important as the actual energy healing. Much like hands-on Reiki treatment is highly personal, it is essential to remember that distance healing deals with the same highly personal energy set.

A stack of stones and potted plants

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After the Distance Reiki Session

Grounding techniques serve as a wave of relief for the recipient but are just as relevant for the practitioner. After offering such potent healing, you will also hold onto some of that energy.

Grounding techniques can stabilize these grounding energies and ensure balance, whether the visualization of deep roots growing down into the earth, deep, nourishing breaths, or even engaging in a physical activity like walking. A proper grounding session can prevent feelings of dizziness and other symptoms. Still, in the same capacity, it should also provide an opportunity to share thanks for the support of the recipient and the energies used, which will all ensure an accurate, closed session.

Grounding will be the first best step in closing an exchange like this correctly, but the second is to sit for a moment and thank the energy, thanking the entire spectrum, from the energy you were able to utilize and thank them; likewise, the recipient should send a mental thank you for the experience in its entirety, a silent affirmation, and give thanks, as this will ensure the continuation of mindfulness and the bond between practitioner and recipient.

Distance Reiki is a practice that enables energy to be sent to people, regardless of location. This means the practitioner can use their intention and visualization of the recipient to channel energy to them. Distance is not a barrier because, just like a cell phone, energy can be transferred regardless of a specific location. Distance Reiki and in-person Reiki provide the same benefits; you will still receive a relaxing, stress-reducing experience and a continued focus on emotional healing.

If you have not considered receiving distance Reiki, please do so. This experience could be the catalyst you need while you embark on your journey towards optimum health. I guarantee that you will leave your sessions feeling lighter and more grounded overall if you receive this practice and take care of your physical body through diet, exercise, and mental health with cognitive therapy.

To learn more, visit Reiki at Namaste Studios to book a Reiki session. Additionally, you can find more of our Reiki Blogs here.

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