A woman with long red hair wearing a purple hat.

Angela Prosser RYT 500, Mystical Yoga Teacher Founder of Beach House of Zen


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Angela is a Mystical yoga teacher who completed her training in Santiago Lake Atitlan, Guatemala back in 2013. She has lived and held space at the Mystical Yoga Farm. Angela also served as an adjunct instructor at Southern Illinois University before relocating to Florida. In addition, Angela also holds an MFA from Naropa University, a Buddhist-inspired college in Boulder, Colorado. In 2021, she received her 500-hour YTT with Allana Kavalya, which further enhanced her expertise in yoga teaching.

Angela has devoted her life to guiding others on their spiritual journey. Her teachings are based on the belief that the mind, body, and spirit are interconnected, and she works tirelessly to help her students expand their comfort zone and reach new levels of confidence. Angela's unique blend of Vinyasa and Hatha flow, combined with reiki, pranayama, kundalini, tantra, and bhakti, inspires her students to embrace their true selves and connect with their inner being. She welcomes and creates a safe and welcoming space for all to explore their practice, including nude yoga, as she believes that nudity and sexual energy are natural and should be respected.

As the founder of the women-centered Beach House of Zen Yoga and Art Studio in Tampa, Florida, Angela is passionate about creating a community of like-minded individuals who share her vision of "Creating Community with Compassion." She encourages her students to embrace their artistic side, as she believes that creativity is the key to unlocking the divine within.

Angela approaches every aspect of her practice with compassion, intuition, and a deep sense of purpose, whether she is teaching private meditation, Thai yoga bodywork, cuddling, reading oracle cards, practicing teshin (acupressure), or doing energy work. Her mission is to help others feel comfortable and safe, drop into their souls, and embrace their unique spiritual journey.