Welcome to “Lengthen and Restore,” an online Vinyasa Flow yoga class that invites you to Serve Yourself FirstFind Balance, and Realign with your inner strength and peace. Hosted by the esteemed Alison Rubens, an E-RYT 500 instructor, this class is your gateway to a transformative experience at Namaste Studios.

Class Description: In the hustle of everyday life, it’s easy to forget the importance of self-care. “Lengthen and Restore” is designed to bring you back to center, offering a sanctuary where you can nurture your body, mind, and spirit. As you flow through the sequences, you’ll gently lengthen your muscles, release tension, and create space within yourself for healing and growth.

Alison Rubens, with her profound expertise, guides you through each posture with grace and precision, ensuring that you are not just practicing yoga, but living it. Her guidance is like a gentle whisper, encouraging you to Serve Yourself First—because only when we are filled can we pour into others.

The theme of Finding Balance is woven into every aspect of the class. As you move, breathe, and stretch, you’ll discover a harmonious rhythm that resonates with your natural state of being. This class isn’t just about physical alignment; it’s a journey towards balancing the scales of your life.

Finally, to Realign is to come home to yourself. This class offers you the tools to realign your posture, your priorities, and your path. It’s an invitation to recalibrate and reconnect with what truly matters.

Why Sign Up?

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from Alison Rubens, a seasoned E-RYT 500 instructor.
  • Convenience: Enjoy the full studio experience from the comfort of your home.
  • Community: Join a supportive online community of fellow yoga enthusiasts.
  • Transformation: Experience a class that transcends the physical and fosters personal growth.

Don’t wait to prioritize your well-being. Sign up for “Lengthen and Restore” today and take the first step towards a more balanced and aligned life. Your journey to self-discovery and rejuvenation begins here. Namaste. 🙏

Sign Up Now and embrace the art of Vinyasa Flow with Alison Rubens at Namaste Studios.