A woman is squatting on the dock by the water.

Shelly Minor RYT 500, RCYT, RYT (Teen, Trauma)
Available On-Demand


My Schedule


Hi, Yogi friends! My name is Shelly Minor. My light honors and sees your light. Allow me to encourage and awaken who you truly are meant to be, as we practice and journey together. Included in my practice is a mudra, a mantra/theme/affirmation, a breathing exercise, asanas (poses) which are all interwoven throughout the hour, give or take a few minutes, of practice. At the end of each practice, in savasana, I treat you to a splash of sound healing with my crystal bowls or Tibetan bowls or maybe a little gong action - who knows. It is an all-around total embodiment of a yoga experience – my own unique way of practicing.

I am going on my 63rd rotation around the sun this year; although that seems like a lot of rotations, I don’t feel the need to slow down anytime soon. Married for 35 of those rotations to my soulmate and husband, Ken, who is my biggest fan. We support each other as we journey through life, mentally as well as physically. We have traveled and journeyed all around the world. Our latest trip, July of 2023, was on a 35ft boat, owned and driven by my husband, Captain Ken, from Fort Myers, Florida through the state to Steward, Florida then across the ocean another 220 miles to the Abacos, Bahamas – so thrilling, so humbling, so much fun. Who knows, maybe I will do a pop-up practice somewhere like that - we will have to wait and see! We are blessed with four beautiful, amazing souls, and they in turn have blessed us with eight more beautiful, amazing souls with promises for more. When we’re all together, let’s just say we’re a crowd. These titles of Wife, Mom, and Mimi are by far my most prized and treasured.