Spiritual Healing

Reiki for Spiritual Healing: Unlocking the Power of Energy Healing

By Dennis Bluthardt at Namaste Studios

Reiki is a technique from Japan that is used to achieve healing and deep relaxation. It uses the energy of life itself to produce an effect that, in this country, we are used to calling “healing.” In Japan, healing is far more commonly pursued than in the West. It’s a simple and easy technique in which a practitioner heals with a gentle touch or by placing his or her hands slightly above the body. A Reiki session aims to tip the recipient into a place where she can restore balance and alignment, resulting in better health.

A close-up of hands holding a light

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Reiki combines a unique element of spirituality and divinity with modern medicine. Add Reiki to your health and nutrition regimen, and you will get a magic potion that will make you feel better and look better (on a metaphysical level).

The rule-breaker in me loves Reiki because it follows no rules! I can do anything I want with a Reiki treatment. My soul is my creative director. I need to slip into a Reiki daydream, and like a fairy, I will glide over to the other side, the side where the universe resides.

Once you’re over “there,” you can have tea independently with yourself or with your spirit guide, Archangels, grandma, Buddha, or dearly beloved dog. If you don’t want company, let yourself rest, daydream, and soak up universal energy light.

Do you want to work on stuff? In relaxation, I have found that I can overcome fear and accept myself just as I am. I can strengthen my spirit. I can rewrite toxicity. I can think and analyze my life better in a Reiki-induced environment. You can separate yourself from any nervous energy and look at reality. What is reality? You might disagree with my answer to that question, so ask yourself.

On the other side, during a Reiki session, it’s possible to bring forth an incredible co-creation event between yourself (your physical body) and your spiritual team (some may call it their “higher self”). It feels like all the stuff you’ve been dragging through the mud can easily fall off. Then, you can add a white topcoat full of possibilities and shininess. It’s simplicity. Reiki seems more like you’re learning something new rather than it being a healing modality. You’re getting introduced to yourself.

A close-up of hands holding the sun

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Understanding Reiki

Reiki is a type of energy healing first created in Japan in the early 20th century by Mikao Usui. The word “reiki” is made up of two Japanese words. “Rei” means universal, and “ki” means life energy. Reiki is essentially universal life force energy. Those who practice this type of Reiki believe that energy flows through the universe and all people, animals, and plants. If this energy happens to get blocked or low within a person, this may contribute to the person developing a physical disease or feelings of depression/anxiety.

Reiki therapists aim to help remove physical or emotional blockages by touching their hands lightly above or on the person. Then, they move their hands around the body in different positions, hoping to ignore negative thoughts and shine a bright light on the chakras. If the seven chakras are open and bright, clients who receive the Reiki may start to feel more connected to the universe, more information about who they are, and more about their spirit guides. There are many reiki techniques, but my focus has been using Usui reiki healing.

The focus of Usui reiki healing is to help people produce a community focused on love instead of hatred. People who first join this community will receive a healing kit. This kit includes several crystals and three bottles of essential oils related to the chakras. The healing kit includes one selenite stick, three pieces of quartz, one purple candle, and three essential oil bottles. This kit is perfect for people entering the world of energy healing, as it allows them to heal themselves and their loved ones.

A tree branches with a light in the center

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The Benefits of Reiki for Spiritual Healing

Reiki is a holistic way of healing. It promotes deep relaxation, which is hugely important for mental health. You can give Reiki through a “gentle” touch or at a distance. This form of energy healing can help reduce all the physical symptoms of anxiety and lead you to a place of deep calm-inducing relaxation response – wonderful! This benefit alone can lead to a more stable mood, improved depressive symptoms, and better sleep. So, on a day-to-day basis, this can be very helpful as an aid to self-help and a sense of wellness in general.

Reiki is a “universal life force,” so go with the flow. It sits very well with mental health. The actual practice of Reiki is akin to meditation or being “present” (a prevalent form of mental health therapy). You experience a connection to your actual or inner self and Who You Are. This may be proved by a phenomenon of almost too much energy or feeling, a happiness unlike anything felt in the past, a natural ease with the environment and your place, or a nearly ironclad certainty about the food you’re eating and how you’re eating it.

A colorful circular pattern with lights

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Incorporating Reiki into Your Spiritual Practice

Interweaving Reiki, along with your meditation practice, can be a game-changer for your spiritual healing. This is because Reiki is a technique for channeling energy; you are in a state of mindfulness and focus during meditation. Meditating before your Reiki session can help you come into the practice with a clear head, ready to receive the healing energy. It also contains many visual components regarding energy flow, so it can help you connect more deeply with your “being” and the universal life force, leading to some incredible “third eye-opening” Emotional Freedom Techniques and spiritual experiences.

For those interested in doing Reiki professionally or in a lightworker, healer, or yoga teacher type of “I do a little bit of everything” role, it is essential to begin conducting some client-relationship management strategy or software to your platform so that you can start to get some clarity (like Google Analytics) on your clients and customers, who they are, what they like, and why they’re buying. You can get started using something as simple as Free CRM software or a paid option if Part 2 of your business strategy is to grow a small team or already have a team of employees—like a yoga or fitness studio or product business (LIGHTCODE, yoga mats, affirmation cards, Reiki-infused custom jewelry, etc.)

A person's hand over a pile of rocks

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Reiki as Part of Holistic Wellness

Reiki is a Japanese energy-healing system that derives its potency from abundant universal life energy. This energy is used to help restore any imbalances or disharmony within our bodies, mind, and spirit. It is a potent practice, yet its stress reduction healing technique is done gently and with no aggressive action. “Holistic” is a term used to mean to treat every part of us and not just our minor or significant symptoms. Treating each part of us entirely as a person, thus improving unrelated bodily functions. Reiki goes hand in hand with the term holistic.”

“And as a complementary therapy, meaning Reiki may improve the effectiveness of most medical treatments for a sick patient or a woman in childbirth being coached by a doula. It will not interfere with what the doula is trying to accomplish for the pregnant woman; in most cases, it will help what she is doing, promoting a more effective and broader delivery treatment.”

“Yoga, or the ‘Union,’ is another modality that will complement the practice of Reiki. Yoga will help to improve your physical strength and release your mental clarity while also helping to bring your body back into a posture position, as it’s trying to center us all into our proper physical balance. We can then extend that feeling into the energy-healing treatment of Reiki, again something we really cannot visualize or measure. So, we put them together and achieve a synergistic state of relaxation and positive energy flow.”

“Aromatherapy adds happiness to the nose. Scent brings a smile to everyone.”

Reiki is a Japanese reduced-stress technique that is becoming increasingly a part of the essential oils world, for lack of a better term, as a vital part of spiritual healing. I like it because it is simple yet profound. Simplicity, profundity, and the universality of these qualities are good reasons to recommend something to one’s friends. The methodologists behind Reiki believe that our ‘universal life energy’ (or ‘life force’), which surrounds us and makes us who we are as human beings, can be channeled to align perfectly with our spiritual bodies, increasing physical and mental energy supplies.

Not only does this technique relieve stress, but it also encourages a better, more meaningful spiritual relationship between the individual using Reiki and nature, making it an essential technique to know how to do (or have done to you) for optimal everyday health and wellbeing. Understanding one’s ‘life force’ and what makes nature the individual you are—the same can be said about a spiritual body, as well, whether healing or being healed by someone who is also spiritual can be a game-changing aspect of your growth as a human being.

Experiencing inner healing (like this, for example) can unfortunately also encourage trauma, as it brings back (i.e., ‘resurfaces’) memories from the past (more often than you, being the receiver, would like). But give receiving (for now) INNER HEALING a shot. Once again, you never truly know until you try for yourself firsthand. Engage with yourself from the universe, universal to all, like never before, and experience firsthand what inner healing looks like for you.

To learn more, visit Reiki at Namaste Studios to book a Reiki session. Additionally, you can find more of our Reiki Blogs here.

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