Emotional Healing

Reiki for Emotional Healing: Unlocking the Power of Energy Healing

By Dennis Bluthardt at Namaste Studios

In the high-stress, fast-paced culture of the modern-day world, emotional healing is something we all need on some level to live and manage the stresses of daily life successfully. We all must deal with the emotional strain associated with ever-increasing demands at work, relationship issues, and other personal struggles. And if you factor in stresses related to current societal affairs, we’re a regular mess, and it can spiral out of control!

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Yes, emotional healing is a must! Because left unhealed, our emotional bodies and dark history will reveal symptoms such as worry, anxiety, and, at its best, meltdown! So why is it important not to harbor this emotional baggage? Our emotional body, which directly corresponds to our mental body, adversely affects every aspect of our lives, including our egoic body and our spirit body. When you think about it, it is the basis for vast life struggles and discontent. Emotional healing can help manage triggers and move the lifeline to a more harmonious state.

Emotional healing allows you to process your feelings. In an energy healing session or other release therapies (as appropriate), non-harmful emotions trapped inside the body can be released. 

In their place, they are left in a state of peace, calm, and thoroughly rejuvenated, at the very least! I mean, emotional healing feels fantastic! You owe it to yourself to engage in at least monthly sessions with a good healer (more as you feel necessary). Reiki therapy services can facilitate release and healing in this respect. Holistically Speaking: Overall, Reiki therapy services promote deep relaxation. The body can repair itself in a deeply relaxed state by warding off diseases, struggles, and other life anomaly issues!

Understanding Reiki

Reiki is a version of energy healing developed by Mikao Usui in Japan in the early twentieth century. “Reiki” means universal life energy, which flows through us all.

As a Reiki practitioner, I trained to move this energy. This energy transfer can be felt and may help heal the body, mind, and spirit. The methods used include deep meditation, visualization of colors imbued with energy, and the very light touch of my hands. It is a whole-body practice and can be quite lovely to experience.

The first question posed to me is always, “What?” Consider it like getting a massage but without the awkward stripping.

You lay down, fully clothed, and then I touch you, not like that. That sounded weird, but I feel you in certain key chakra places on your body. Light touches, resting my hands on or just above your body to move the energy can cause blockages to move and be eliminated.

There have been numerous claims of what this blockage elimination looks and feels like, but it could be best described as complete relaxation and quiet to overtake the whole body. Imagine watching the sunset on your favorite beach or that peaceful calm just before you fall asleep. In this sensation of relaxation, most report a warmth or a tingling in the area where the energy blockage once was. Sessions feel fantastic, lasting anywhere from an hour to seventy-five minutes, even an hour and a half, depending on what you want as the client.

The practice looks and feels like that, but what else can Reiki do? It could do a lot of healing and good in the lives of anyone open to gaining some good energy and ridding themselves of the bad.

I also recognize this enormous responsibility presented to me as a now-trained Reiki practitioner because I have been extensively trained in the principles of energy transference and am aware of the many ways that energy transference can occur, including “skin-to-skin” touch. Because of this, I don’t allow just anyone to touch me. My meridians and chakras are effervescently susceptible (as are yours).

A person's hands in a field of flowers

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The Connection Between Reiki and Emotional Healing

The mind-body connection implies that our mental state dramatically affects our physical state (and vice versa). Many energy healing modalities (including Reiki) take advantage of this connection and can help with processing emotions and releasing (possible) blockages that may be causing physical or psychological issues. Essentially, Reiki uses this “universal life energy” to bring the individual to a balanced state (equilibrium), stimulating the mind/body to veer towards homeostasis, working wonders for overall mental health.

I’ve read various case studies and received feedback from previous clients that Reiki has made a profound difference in their emotional health. Many people who experience issues with trauma, high levels of anxiety or stress, and even depression have noticed favorable differences after just one session. To provide a specific example, I had one client who suffered from severe chronic anxiety. Still, after 6 months of Reiki therapy, she had felt almost no anxiety at all because she had learned how to process stress healthily.

Reiki is beneficial for promoting relaxation and dealing with stress, so just about anything under that will benefit those with “pent-up” emotions. Or maybe you’re the type of person who is far too empathetic. This will help you find peace and may help you uncover things about yourself that you didn’t know were “issues.” This is an opportunity to grow and may undoubtedly enhance the quality of your life, whether you are “ill” or perfectly healthy.

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Incorporating Reiki into Your Self-Care Routine

Performing Reiki on yourself can be a critical relaxation and emotional healing tool. A handful of techniques can be performed from the comfort of your home. Find a quiet location in your living space, sit comfortably, and place your hands over various body parts (heart, stomach, etc.). As you go through this process, visualize the flow of healing energy traveling into your hands. Those who incorporate Reiki techniques into their routines can foster positive relationships with their emotional, physical, and spiritual health as an inward practice for peace, balance, and harmony.

Adding a bit of personal flair to relax your mind will only enhance your journey toward emotional peace and healing. Perform Reiki on yourself in a quaint setting lit by the scarce flicker of tealight candles that signal comfort to your senses with calming music. Diffusers dispersing essential oils to the various corners of your personal space will practically transport you to a different realm! Specific objects, such as crystals, may offer select healing properties to bring peace to your space. Some people include house plants representing peace or tranquility (among many other things). A traditional practice among most “Reiki-doers” is to “set an intention” before starting. Its meditative quality of the initial few moments before starting will take your Reiki experience to the next level of personal peace and healing.

Other alternative reiki? Practices, such as deep-breathing techniques, increase the holistic benefits of your own Reiki practice. If you incorporate deep-breathing exercises into your Reiki routine, Reiki will holistically enhance your way of producing sensory relaxation techniques. Thus, Reiki incorporates a partially meditative approach with qualities of aromatherapy and yoga that uses stones, essential oils, and several other “tools of the trade” to create a desired (emotional) atmosphere.

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Finding a Reiki Practitioner

Finding a Reiki practitioner with the proper training, qualifications, and energy is essential. Many people find having a short phone consultation with a potential practitioner helpful. You might ask about their background, where they trained, whether they have a certain kind of “style,” or whether they specialize in any approach to Reiki.

You’ll likely want to hear about the practitioner’s definition of Reiki, how they achieve “results,” and what is unique or special about how they do their work. Especially since Reiki is such a personal experience, it’s essential that you feel a resonant connection with your Reiki practitioner and that you have good “chemistry” together.

Most standard Reiki treatments last about one hour or 90 minutes in total. Typically, you will be resting on a massage table, fully clothed, while the practitioner lightly places their hands on or just above your body, concentrating on your energy centers. There might be calming music or aromatherapy.

Sometimes, Reiki is done in nature, outdoors, or at retreats at spas or hot springs. Occasionally, people ask their Reiki practitioner to visit their home or hospital room for a private session. It all depends (of course) upon the nature of the Reiki practice.

The Japanese healing technique, Reiki, can be excellent for emotional healing and promoting well-being. Reiki translates to “universal life force energy.” It’s all about channeling that life force energy for higher purposes, such as releasing emotional baggage, reducing stress, and accessing a higher sense of peace. You get a “reiki” treatment from a “reiki master.” The master will strum (or skim above) your body with their hands to move energy around and facilitate healing.

Starting a reiki practice won’t just help you navigate emotional pain; it will help you learn about all the cooler parts of yourself. Reiki is all about self-discovery. It’s like getting a science, history, geography, and spirituality lesson, but on your body. You can do Reiki on yourself very quickly. Even if you’re not “attuned” as a reiki practitioner, your hands probably have healing powers beyond your comprehension. You’ll feel the energy humming off your own hands and other parts of your body once you know what to think.

Amazingly, you can use Reiki to help any situation. The sky is the limit once you learn to tap into the universal energy. After you get a treatment, you’ll feel lighter and have a better sense of “mental fitness.”

Science has even considered that Reiki could help prevent a heart attack, given how much it seems to help people decrease stress, increase well-being, and increase overall life satisfaction. Once you can finally release those emotional weights you’ve been pulling around (for who knows how long), you feel radiantly alive, almost disturbingly happy, and much lighter.

To learn more, visit Reiki at Namaste Studios to book a Reiki session. Additionally, you can find more of our Reiki Blogs here.

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